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How Marketers Are Using Coffee Cup Sleeves to Advertise

Coronavirus pandemic is fueling home deliveries

The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is almost running its course across the world. Such news is welcome to the multitudes confined to their homes for an uncertain period. Since early this year, authorities in most countries initiated lock downs to stem the spread of the pandemic. Consequently, much of the global economy experienced a sudden stop.

Coffee Sleeve Advertising

Interestingly, the lock downs did not stop business entirely. For starters, the food delivery services sectors has seen an upsurge in activity in the last two months. According to the US Chamber of Commerce, the ensuing panic from contracting coronavirus is fueling grocery deliveries.

Advertising is difficult under the current circumstances

With increased home deliveries, the implication is that few people are venturing out. Certainly, this is hurtful to traditional advertising because low human traffic implies low brand visibility. For example, advertising on billboards is ineffective because of curtailed movement. Few people are using highways because the government is to stay at home to be safe.
In-hand-advertising has become a popular low-cost marketing strategy. Adzze is a leading in-hand-advertising media helping businesses to place their brand in the hand of the target consumer.

What is In-Hand advertising

However, stay-at-home consumers are still within reach for innovative advertisers. A good example of innovation is the use of coffee cup sleeves for advertising. Indeed, coffee cup sleeves can comfortably penetrate to millions of homes in a single day. In addition, placement of ads on the sleeves circumvents much of the difficulties facing traditional advertising.

How does coffee cup sleeves advertising work?

Coffee Sleeve Advertising
Using coffee cups sleeves to advertise is an innovative tactic that is part of in-the-hand advertising. In-the-hand advertising entails use of guerilla tactics where advertisers place ads in unconventional places. Interestingly, the idea is to surprise the audience and in the process catch its full attention.
This is the modus operandi of coffee cup sleeves advertising. Firstly, an advertiser prints a special message and the business logo on sleeves. Secondly, the advertiser distributes the sleeves to relevant locations, preferably establishments that do home-delivery of coffee. Hardly nobody can miss the beautiful ad on the coffee sleeve.

Why Marketers should use this technique to target Stay-At-Home consumers

In the first place, coffee cup sleeves can penetrate straight to the exact customer that marketers wish to reach. For traditional advertising media, this is a pipe dream because targeting is an intractable challenge for them. Secondly, this advertising technique has a personal touch, which implies that it generates high engagement rates. Indeed, marketers value high engagement rates because they often translate to sales.

Lastly, advertising on coffee cup sleeves provides a fresh perspective on how marketers can reach their customers. Consider a boutique investment firm that uses this technique to advertise. The customer is highly likely to sign up with the firm because of its ingenuity in seeking attention.