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Custom Printed Coasters Are An Unconventional Means Of Creating Brand Awareness

Custom printed coasters: learn more about this concept.

The future of OOH Advertising
As the drastic economic impact of coronavirus continues to spill, brands and agencies are forced to re-evaluate the current advertising methods they are using. Recently, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) surveyed nearly 400 media buyers and brands. The results were surprising: 74% think the coronavirus pandemic will have a larger impact on their advertising spend than the 2008 financial crisis. According to the President of Interactive Advertising Bureau, David Cohen, “Typically marketers will press pause for a moment, take a breath, assess the situation, replay and reevaluate.”
The traditional out-of-home advertising is expected to be largely impacted. The estimated ad spend declined 51% in March and April and another decline of 41% is expected in June 2020. Fewer people are outside reducing the appeal and effectiveness of billboards and DOOH. Advertising in malls, at bus stops, and bus shelter advertising are fast becoming replaced by in-home advertising. The impact of COVID-19 has kept the consumers inside their homes. Hence, the best ways to reach the audience will be to take your advertising message to them indoors.
Adzze has been re-evaluating the current tactics and adapting to a more sensitive message. The operations team has working on extending its reach to offer advertising methods that can reach the consumers at their safest place: at home. One of these tactics uses pizza boxes as advertising space. Think of this as small moving billboard that consumers receive in their homes and place on their dinner tables. Ad data demonstrated that this type of ads can lead to an 80% recall rate (8 out of 10 individuals recall seeing an ad on the pizza box) with an average ROI of 150%. This means, for every 1 dollar the advertiser invested in a pizza box advertising campaign, they received at least additional 2.5 dollars of sales. For more details, see the article Estimating the ROI of Pizza Box Marketing.
In today’s business environment, businesses need to connect with their customers on a personal level. It implies making the customers aware of the brand for the relationship to flourish. As such, businesses are taking advantage of novel advertising avenues like custom-printed coasters. It deepens their market reach.

Why custom printed coasters?

A 2012 Gallup survey established that Americans drink a lot. In the survey, Gallup found out that 66% of the respondents consume alcohol. On average, Americans drink more than four bottles of alcohol in a week, the survey established. Another study, by Statista, determined that approximately 52.85% of Americans drink their alcohol from bars and nightclubs. More than half of alcohol takers in the US visit bars and pubs weekly.
Interestingly, most bars and pubs in the US have coasters for securing beer bottles and glasses. As such, custom printed coasters offer an excellent opportunity to spread awareness of your business. Printed coasters are a unique avenue for advertising, one that is low cost and convenient to utilize. Customizing a single coaster costs a dollar or less. Therefore, an investment of $10,000 could run a massive advertising campaign of distributing branded coasters at pre-selected locations.
Often, people visit places of drinking because they are looking to escape the stress of work and family. As such, one can conclude that users find peace in bars. During this period, a person drinking alcohol will be very much interested in a bar coaster with a special message. Usually, people have little to do when drinking. Hence the high probability of them reading and assimilating the message on the coaster.

Stay-at-Home Ads with Door Hangers

Door Hanger Advertising
During this crisis marketers will have to adapt and to stay on top of the latest trends. Its critical to improve type of advertising message shifting it to more sensitive perspective. The business of marketing is changing in the age of COVID-19. Whether its effects are brief or prolonged, marketers need to be nimble in these challenging times, and pivot when needed while optimizing performance throughout the crisis.
A noticeable new normal in consumer behaviour is the increased demand for food delivery services. According to NPD, 48.5% of all restaurant spending was for off-premise orders in the past 12 months and this is expected to accelerate during the lockdown.
Adzze has been working with its clients to adapt to a more sensitive message. The team has been extending the capabilities to offer advertising options that can reach the consumers at their safest place: at home.
Your advertisement is printed on door hangers and distributed to the households in the zip code or areas that were selected according to the marketing campaign. Adzze technology solutions are used to target demographic profiles such as income, age, ethnicity, marital status, so that we hit your exact target-market ensuring the door hanger delivery. In addition, the segmentation method enables to evaluate annual spend criteria so that you have a better insight into the spend behavior of the target audience.  The consumers will be positively surprised if the door hanger brings them value as coupons or discounts. The advertiser must partner with the capable door hanger distributors to ensure to track the door hanger delivery to the targeted addresses. Typically, the return of the  Door Hanger Advertising investment is 3x, this means for every $1 invested, the advertiser receives $3 back (you can see more details on the ROI calculation at the end of this article).

Bar advertising: reaching relaxing audience

People are used to seeing ads on the internet, on the TV, or outside on billboards. As such, many have learned to shut the ads out because, frequently, they are a nuisance. Additionally, the target audience is mostly too distracted to notice, let alone read, the messages on billboards. Therefore, the conversion rates that arise from the advertising avenues are unsatisfactory and below potential.
On the contrary, patrons in bars have dedicated custom printed coasters carrying the message from a brand. Interestingly, some patrons might even carry some of the coasters to their homes. Here, the message gets a lot of exposure to the target audience. The longer the exposure, the higher the rates of conversion.

Door Hanger Marketing