Coaster Advertising

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Coaster Advertising

Campaign reach: Bars and restaurants

Campaign time: minimum 1 month

Est. impressions per venue: 0.7M per venue (month)

Expected recall rate: 50%

Demographics of target audience: Millenials (75% between 21-35 years)

Bar coaster advertising is a creative option to spread your message in a relaxing environment
How does it work?
Your logo and message are printed on bar/restaurant coasters and distributed to the venues you select. Specific targeting is enabled with an in-house technology to profile the demographic region  and pick addresses according to your campaign plan
Bar coasters advertising programs can be run locally or nationwide. Most of the metropolitan regions are covered.
The venue places the coasters on the dining or bar tables generating a direct impact on consumer who receives the message in their hands.  This is guaranteed impression as they have to take the coaster in their hands. Approximately 1,500 coasters/month  are distributed by each venue generating  estimated 0.7M of impressions
Bar coasters are viewed by on average 4-6 other people in a relaxing environment enabling your target audience to better assimilate your message
Product/Service launch: Design the bar coaster with a coupon to boost sales and measure ROI
Target younger audience: bar coasters are ideal for the entertainment, education and sports industries
Travelers: place your message on bar coasters at bars inside resorts and cruise lines
Legal services: Connect with the audience with a impact DIU message
Contact us to learn more about our Bar Coaster Advertising programs